Tuesday, January 31, 2012

You are the guy...

The Places You'll Go (excerpt)

Theodore Geisel

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
 You can steer yourself any direction you choose.

You're on your own.
 And you know what you know. 
And YOU are the guy
 who'll decide where to go.

~ Dr. Seuss ~

(Oh, the Places You'll Go!)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Isn't this like our dreams?


Don't weep.
The joy that has gone
will come round again in another form
Have no doubt about this!

A child's first joy
comes from its mother's milk;
After the child is weaned
his joy comes from drinking sweet wine.

This supreme joy has no resting place
It enters one form then another,
from box to box - an eternal movement
between heaven and earth.

Here it comes, pouring down from the sky,
seeping into the earth,
and rising up again as a bed of roses.

Now it is water, now a plate of rice,
Now the swaying trees, now a horse and rider.
It lies within these forms for awhile
then bursts forth to become something new.

(The Mystic's Dream by PinkyPinkee on deviantART)

Isn't this like our dreams?
The body sleeps
while the soul moves on
to take other forms.
You say,
I dreamt I was a cypress, a bed of tulips,
the blossoms of roses and jasmines.

Then the soul returns, and you wake up
the cypress is gone, the roses are gone.

I tell you truly,
everything you now see
will vanish like a dream.

I do not mean to trouble you, O friend,
with words so bold as these.
Perhaps you will only listen to God.
He speaks more gently than I.

But how will you ever hear Him with
All that blathering going on?
Everyone is speaking about golden bread
yet no one has ever tasted it!

O my soul, where can I find rest
but in the shimmering love of his heart?
Where can I see the pure light of the Sun
but in the eyes of my own Shams-e Tabriz?

Version by Jonathan Star 
"A Garden Beyond Paradise: The Mystical Poetry of Rumi"
Bantam Books, 1992

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Always be happy....

Four principles of spirituality

The First Principle states:

 "Whomsoever you encounter is the right one"
(Celia Johnson in Brief Encounter by David Lean)
This means that no one comes into our life by chance. Everyone who is around us, anyone with whom we interact, represents something, whether to teach us something or to help us improve a current situation.
The Second Principle states:
 "Whatever happened is the only thing that could have happened"
Nothing, absolutely nothing of that which we experienced could have been any other way. Not even in the least important detail. There is no "If only I had done that differently…, then it would have been different…". No. What happened is the only  thing that could have taken place and must have taken place for us to learn our lesson in order to move forward. Every single situation in life which we encounter is absolutely perfect, even when it defies our understanding and our ego.
The Third Principle states:
"Each moment in which something begins is the right moment"
Everything begins at exactly the right moment, neither earlier nor later. When we are ready for it, for that something new in our life, it is there, ready to begin.

The Fourth Principle states:
 "What is over, is over"
(by mouseek on deviantART)
It is that  simple. When something in our life ends, it helps our evolution. That is why, enriched by the recent experience, it is better to let go and move on.
Think it is no coincidence that you're here reading this.
If these words strike a chord, it's because you meet the requirements and understand that not one single snowflake falls accidentally in the wrong place!
Be good to yourself.
Be in love with your whole being.

Indian Spirituality
(Source unknown)

Sunday, January 01, 2012



(Image credit : EmAmine Photography)

i’ve come again
like a new year
to crash the gate
of this old prison

i’ve come again
to break the teeth and claws
of this man-eating
monster we call life

i’ve come again
to puncture the
glory of the cosmos
who mercilessly
destroys humans

i am the falcon
hunting down the birds
of black omen
before their flights

i gave my word
at the outset to
give my life
with no qualms

i pray to the Lord
to break my back
before i break my word

how do you dare to
let someone like me
intoxicated with love
enter your house

you must know better
if i enter
i’ll break all this and
destroy all that

if the sheriff arrives
i’ll throw the wine
in his face

if your gatekeeper
pulls my hand
i’ll break his arm

if the heavens don’t go round
to my heart’s desire
i’ll crush its wheels and
pull out its roots

you have set up
a colorful table
calling it life and
asked me to your feast
but punish me if
i enjoy myself

what tyranny is this

Translation by Nader Khalili
“Rumi, Fountain of Fire”
Cal-Earth Press, 1994