Wednesday, May 08, 2019
Sunday, May 05, 2019
Turun temurun
diriwayatkan dari mulut ke telinga,
telinga ke pena,
pena ke buku..
lalu dijilidkan...
manakah yang benar ?
apabila hanya mendengarnya
daripada orang lain?
dan membaca idea hasil pena orang lain
di sebuah buku?
Sensation of the Mystical
Friday, May 03, 2019
(Image credit : Saatchi Art) |
When you're born into human..
You walked among them and you asked..
Am I them?
but.. you are You...
You realized now there is a pair of wings..
death is only the opposite of birth..
You live.. through and through the Life...
You fly soaring the sky..
Looking down, seeing men squabbling among themselves
You feel the pity.. the Love..
For those wings they have not..
What's next?
Beyond those creatures of the Sky?