Sunday, April 11, 2010

In Uttering It...

The Muslim says "Allahu Akhbar".
When translated in Bahasa Melayu, it means "Allah Maha Besar", "Allah Maha Agung"....
In many religions too, we say "God is Great"...

Let's talk about 'size'...shall we?

Focus on Earth's size, here ...
and then...
look out on your window..
imagine how big it is...

 This big?
Again, focus on the size on the Earth shown here...

Let's find the Earth in this image below....
(reading the previous posting, can you imagine how "BIG" love is ?)

Now let us imagine..
how big the Sun is....

Wait a minute...
How big Acturus is.....? (see above pic)
compare to...
Where is the Sun...????!!!

Let us get back to square one...
and ponder....
Keep the mental image of Antares compare to the Sun.....(oooppss! sorry! don't think you can see the Sun in the above image. But click the image. The size of the Sun is written as "1 pixel" in the above image)

Come down to Earth...
find a globe and ask....
Where is Asia on the globe..?
Where is Malaysia?
Can you point where Selangor is?
How does Kuala Lumpur looks like on the globe ?
Are you somewhere in Petronas Twin Towers ?
Somewhere in a retail outlet ?
Try to see your own self, mentally......

Check back the Earth size in comparison to the Sun...
Mentally hold that image...
Now bring the image of Antares...
Locate your body somewhere in the face of Antares....

Any idea how "BIG" you are ?
And this is only the Milky Way ?
Not even the "largest" galaxy known to us ?
Who creates all these galaxies ?

Now, would you like to imagine your 'size' before the Creator of all these galaxies ?

To the Muslims...if we talk about 'size'
When you utter that many times the phrase .. "Allahu Akhbar" a day..
Do you have any idea of how "Great" Allah is ?

In uttering we mean what we say..?

A speck of dust ...... not even a micro dust .... 
.....a  no...   thing.... 

p/s : Read the post "The Sun Never Says..." again. How does "Allahu Akhbar" fare when Hu Akbar is also Ar Rahman and Ar Rahim ... all for you ... when your 'size' .. is that 'big'... ?