Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Journey

Taken from:

The Journey Each of Us Take

Posted on 27 June 2011

Though the following are roadsigns to the Himalaya Mountains, yet they remind us of our spiritual journey …

To expect an overnight spiritual awakening of some kind simply to fix what is in our unresolved heart
is only to short lived our faith in what we are embarking.
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When we are rash in expecting spiritual awakening as something that can be created by the self,
we can only expect an ego crash.
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Spiritual journey is not some kind of escapism but rather a gradual path of understanding
that leads to awakening. Enjoy the ride rather than thinking of the end.
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Your journey defines your destination. Destination is not a place but rather an end.
Hence what you get at the end is what you have developed in the journey.
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Forget about desiring anything or resisting anything when you step into the spiritual path.
It is not about getting anything or anywhere but on the contrary, drop everything, including the self.
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Consistently check your mental attitude as that is where fabrications are.
If you don’t, its proliferation will blinds you, deluding you into spiritual ego.
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We are all too familiar with ego crash whenever our spiritual expectation is not met -
yet strangely, we repeat it again as if we do not have it enough!
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When you are not awake to your thoughts, you are dreaming it,
making it real and hence, will surely be frightened by it.
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And so in the end, wakefulness is necessary, for without it
suffering becomes a reality, albeit a dream.


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