Thursday, March 25, 2010

Edisi Khas : Model Ekonomi Baru (MEB)

Dinamakan ‘Edisi Khas’ ni bukannya kerana apa. Saya sebenarnya tidak berhajat untuk mencatatkan apa-apa tulisan blog selain dari mencatatkan ‘koleksi’ untuk kegunaan sendiri yang banyaknya menjurus kepada… kata orang ‘spiritual’? dan juga koleksi-koleksi jenaka yang saya terima.

Habis tu kenapa muatkan juga pasal MEB ni?

GATAL !!!!
(image credit : Damian Harvey & Lynne Chapman)

Penyakit gatal ni berjangkit dari Kenn yang mengaitkan Teori Darwin dengan tulisan Din Turtle bersabit dengan MEB ini.

Hmmm… kalau dulu-dululah, memang susah payah, jerih pedih untuk “survive” di bumi perantauan. Datang jauh dari Tanah Besar China, India dll., meninggalkan tanahair untuk menyambung hidup mencari rezeki di bumi asing. Tetapi Alhamdulillah mereka dengan segala kesusahan yang dipikul mendapat simpati dari penduduk tempatan. Dibantu sekadar yang mungkin, malah diterima sebagai ahli warga sendiri. Agak tepatlah perkataan “survive” digunakan dalam keadaan ini.

Hari ini generasi perantau kebanyakanya sudah senang. Dari 10 yang terkaya di negara ini, 9 daripada mereka adalah berketurunan Cina dan 1 berketurunan India. Nampaknya, orang Melayu pula terkial-kial untuk “survive”. Agaknya sebab itulah Kenn tanya, nak survive ke? Nak conquer ?

Macam Din Turtle bayangkan, dah kaya nak kaya lagi. Bukannya nak menolong orang dalam kesusahan, malah nak bersaing juga dengan yang lemah supaya semuanya jadi haknya. Merit la katakan, ya tak? Dah si Ayu tu (dalam cerita Din Turtle) serba serbi tak ada, modal tak ada, duit tak ada, kalau tak mula berniaga, mana nak ada pengalaman? Entah-entah tanah tempat letaknya tapak perniagaan si Lim dulunya tanah keturunan si Ayu yang diberikan oleh nenek moyang Ayu semasa membantu nenek moyang Lim yang merantau dari jauh, tolong nak “survive” di bumi ini.

Itulah perlunya ada suatu dasar ekonomi yang adil. Bukan adil dari segi merit sahaja, “survival of the fittest”. Kenalah ada “ethic” juga dalam persaingan tu.

Dulu orang Melayu pun berniaga runcit. Selepas mula bersaing dengan kaum Cina, nampaknya kedai orang Melayu nampaknya tidak dapat bertahan. Ini yang lebih kurang saya faham dari buku “Malay Dilemma”. Siasat punya siasat, gula sekati kat kedai orang Melayu dijual RM1 (buat contoh ni) dan kedai orang Cina dapat ‘offer’ 95 sen sekati. Kenapa ye ? Merit ke ? Pandai Berniaga ke ? Tup-tup lepas tu keluar undang-undang mewajibkan tanda harga supaya harga semuanya seragam. Peniaga diwajibkan untuk “calibrate” dacing agarnya beratnya satu kati memang satu kati, jangan jarum aja tunjuk satu kati. Itu baru saja gula, barang-barang keperluan lain?

Ada undang-undang pun orang cari juga “loop holes”. Dulu banyak stesen-stesen minyak bersaing, isi petrol penuh setangki dapatlah sabun ke, coke ke macam-macam lagi. Sekarang ini dah kena “stop” dah. Nak beli gula sekati kat kedai “I”? Beli sekati dapat cokelat sebiji, beli dua kati dapat cokelat 3 biji, harga tetap RM1 sekati. Kedai sebelah tak dapat cokelat free! Nak?

Cuba anda pakai kasut si Lim (dalam cerita Din Turtle). Ada si Ayu, si Muthu dan si Ah Seng. Ketiga-ketiganya nak berniaga barang cenderamata kat tepi pantai tu dan semuanya nak dapat bekalan dari anda. Adakah anda akan tengok Ayu binti Melayu, Muthu A/L India dan Seng Ah Cina? Atau anda melihat diri anda seorang bangsa Malaysia, lalu mereka-mereka semua itu pun satu bangsa dengan anda? Susah kerajaan nak gubal undang-undang memaksa anda bagi kredit sama rata, sama panjang tempohnya dan sama nilainya pada ketiga-ketiga sekali apabila hati anda lebih terpaut kepada Seng Ah Cina yang sebangsa dengan anda. Betui? “Level field” ka ni bila hanya Ah Seng dapat kredit dan Ayu serta Muthu kena beli “cash”? (sebagai contoh)

Minta tolong sikit. Saya ada 3 orang awek yang saya berikan kain untuk depa buat sepasang baju kurung. Satu badan besar, satu lagi badan sederhana dan yang ketiga tu badan kecil. Untuk sama rata, saya belikan 4 meter kain, semuanya kain yang sama, harga sama, corak sama, kualiti sama. Yang kecil molek ni tersengih-sengih lebar memperagakan baju kurung yang baru dijahit. Diunjukkan pula sepasang lagi. “Adek jahit dua pasang bang!” katanya. Si Angah pun tersengih apabila memperagakan baju kurungnya, tapi tak lama selepas dia tahu si Adek ada dua pasang. Mana si Along ni? Bedebuk !! segumpal kain singgah ke muka saya kemudian dengan suara marah-marah. “4 meter kain ni nak suruh I jahit baju seksi ke apa?” jerit si Along. Eh! Kan semuanya dapat 4 meter, tak adil dan sama rata lagi ke?

Kita break sat!

Itulah, kalau tak ada “rules of the game” atau “ethic”, sampai bila perisian Microsoft Office tu nak turun harga? Nak turun macamana, market tak ada, tak cukup permintaan? Nak cukup permintaan macamana, dah orang ramai tak beli? Orang ramai nak beli macamana dah harga RM1,000 untuk basic berbanding dengan yang cetak rompak harga RM15 untuk full professional version? Dulu saya nak beli dial-up modem US Robotics, harganya.. mak datuk! Lebih seribu ringgit. Sekarang ni tengok, Belkin wireless modem router pun baru RM100 lebih, life time warranty pulak tu! Bila cukup permintaan dalam pasaran, kos produk dapat cover. Kalau asyik kena tibai dengan lanun, manalah yang ORI tu nak turun kos, nak terus hidup pun payah. Cuba banding harga sebatang pen jikanya dibeli secara pukal? Bandingkan telefon Nokia yang basic, dahulu dan sekarang? Semua tu barang ORI. Kalau berterusan macam ni, sekejap lagi Malaysia jadi macam Amerika la, jarang sekali ada barang capek tidak berkualiti yang dihasillkan oleh lanun-lanun yang tak ada undang-undang dan ethic. Siapa penyanyi lagu tu? Datuk Siti Nurhaliza kan? Siapa taukeh cetak rompak album Siti tu? Hmmmm…. Kesian Datuk Siti ! Nak compete dengan Negara China? Kalau tak ada atau tak ambil pusing pasai “rules of the game”, jangan haraplah. Itu pasai Amerika bikin anti-dumping act kut? (Eh! susu bayi pun mereka tibai sebab nak untung punya pasai, sampai ada bayi yang mati. Yang buat tu dah kena gantung mati ke?) Jenguk kat blog Odscene tu, macam-macam lanun ada. Minyak pelincir pun nak ditipunya. Bila kita kata Tuhan No. 1 adalah Duit, kena tuduh menyebar ajaran sesat pulak! Macamana nak bersaing kalau tak ada undang-undang? ada pun boleh di "kau tim" kan? Tak ada ethic!

Okla.. buat macamana pun model ekonomi tu, masih juga lagi orang akan cari loop holes. Orang kata DEB tu okay, cuma implementasinya dah menyimpang serong. Pergi undi kat sini. Kenapa tak di teliti implementasi sesuatu dasar tu? Kenapa perlu dasar itu diubah kalau dah okay? Kita orang pun geram juga dengan orang-orang yang dilabelkan sebagai “UMNOputera” tu yang ambil kesempatan atas DEB untuk memperkayakan diri sendiri. Dalam geram pada mereka, Datok Sak kena juga consider orang Melayu yang ramai bilangannya macam si Ayu dalam cerita Din Turtle tu. Bagi teguran juga kepada juga Ketua Pemuda UMNO tu supaya giat membela nasib orang Melayu ni, jangan nak asyik berniaga sampai lupa bangsa.

Sebelum sesebuah Negara itu diteliti apa bentuk ekonominya, bukankah kita kena kenal dulu apa nama Negara itu? Apa bangsanya? Apa identitinya? Oh… Negara Malaysia..!! Bangsa Malaysia? Jarang terdengar tu, yang banyak terdengar bangsa Cina, Melayu, India dan macam-macam lagi, kalah rojak. Mereka bercakap bahasa Malaysia ke? Ye ke? Dalam rumah, luar rumah guna bahasa Malaysia 24/7?

Alamak! Panjang pula tulisan ni. Saya bukan gheti sangat pasal ekonomi ni. Tapi berbalik kepada Ayu, Muthu dan Ah Seng tadi bila nak mendapatkan bekalan dari si Lim. Betui ka masalah ekonomi ini berkisar kepada yang kaya dan yang miskin, yang ke depan dan yang terkebelakang, yang pandai berniaga dan yang tak pandai berniaga? Atau ini hanyalah salah satu symptom kepada penyakit yang lebih tenat dari penyakit ketidakseimbangan ekonomi antara kaum?

Penyakit gapo dio pulok? Penyakit ni kut? Dulu dah email kat PM dah masa PM dok promote Bahasa Mandarin kat blog 1-Malaysia dia.

Penyakit orang Cina hanya akan tolong orang cina dan nak bercakap bahasa cina, dan segala serbinya cina macam Dong Zong dan entah apa bala lagi nama persatuan-persatuan tu. Samalah juga dengan orang India, dan juga orang Melayu sekalipun. Bezanya hanyalah, orang Melayu tidak dikenali sebagai berasal dari keturunan pendatang. Jadi Negara ini, sepertimana yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan adalah berteraskan kepada Melayu. Sebab ini namanya Malaysia, bukan Cinasia ataupun Indiasia. Bahasanya Bahasa Malaysia yang berteraskan Bahasa Melayu, bukan bahasa mandarin ka, tionghua ka, tamil ka, urdu ka dsb.

Saya agak inilah penyakitnya. Penyakit identiti. Identiti rojak. Aku cina, mu India , dia Melayu. Ini semua bukan orang Malaysia. Kenapa payah sangat nak wujudkan sekolah satu aliran? Kenapa kalau ada kempen SATU SEKOLAH UNTUK SEMUA, pak Menteri sendiri yang menentang? PM pun nampaknya macam tak gemar aje, pi dok pertahankan sekolah vernacular pulak? Tan Sri Muhyiddin janganlah warning saya pula macam PTA kena warning kerana menyentuh dasar pelajaran dengan secara tidak selari dengan dasar yang kerajaan nak. SATU SEKOLAH UNTUK SEMUA ini jahat sangatkah dalam usaha untuk membina negara? Dong Zong tu mulia sangat ke dengan bermati-matian mempertahankan sekolah vernacular dan segala serba serbinya cina?

Oh ya.. Dato Seri Zambry, bila pula nak adakan kelas Bahasa Tamil kat Perak tu? Lepas ni sambung pula dengan bahasa Urdu, Benggali, Kelate pula Datok! Eerrrr… Dato dah pasti ke semua adun-adun kat Perak tu dah memang fasih benar dengan Bahasa Kebangsaan? Mereka guna bahasa Kebangsaan dalam dan luar rumah? Mereka daulatkan bahasa kebangsaan? Jangan lupa, Dato Seri dan geng kena jadi pakar rakyat, bukan pakar bahasa. Kesian professor-professor bahasa kat U tu kena kongsi periuk nasi pulak.

Selagi aku Cina, mu India, dia Melayu, selagi tu DEB ka, MEB ka, entah apa lagi akan susah mencapai matlamatnya. Cina bukan lagi nak “survive” tapi nampak macam lebih kepada “conquest”. Atas dasar “merit” songsang, peduli apa Melayu atau India yang tinggal nyawa-nyawa ikan dalam bidang ekonomi. Siapa cepat, dia dapat. Nasib la kalau kau orang patah kaki tak leh berlari. Ada DEB pun, kerusi roda disebat oleh mereka-mereka yang sememangnya boleh berlari, pi mampus la kau yang patah kaki tu. Ini zaman liberalisasi dan merit. Sebat mana yang dapat dan cepat sebelum orang lain dapat. Tiada lagi pendatang yang nak ditolong diberikan tanah supaya dapat bina kehidupan baru di bumi asing. Si Ayu lepas ni akan mati lemah jantung tak dapat masuk IJN sebab Ayu tak ada duit, Lim pun tak nak bekalkan barangan sebab Ayu tak pandai berniaga. Betui ?


Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Engineer (2) - Engineer vs Management / Accountant

 (image credit :
"Do not try to tidy up the mess in an engineer's room. He will not find his things when the room is tidied (you will disrupt his 'system of filing')."
This was the "lesson learnt" soon after the personal assistant (PA) to my former boss went tidying up his room, one day.  The PA was responding to some complains that people could not push the door open without pushing together the pile of "important document" stacked behind the door.

Engineers hate to be managed. Someone from senior management must exercise caution because engineers are intelligent and cunning and; it is very rare that they will admit defeat. Engineers do not worry about the young, inexperience managers or even middle managers. These are just 'happy meals' to them.

Engineer vs Management
Why things aren't going well
(image credit : fotosearch)
A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."

The woman below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude."

"You must be an engineer," said the balloonist.

"I am," replied the woman, "How did you know?"

"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is, technically correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all. If anything, you've delayed my trip."

The woman below responded, "You must be in Management."

"I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?"

"Well," said the woman, "you don't know where you are or where you're going. You have risen to where you are - due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise which you've no idea how to keep and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my fault."

And I think these two below were also written by someone in the technical fields...

Senior Management
In the Eyes of Engineers
(image credit :
A guy walks into a cafe with a shotgun in one hand and a bucket of buffalo manure in the other. He says to the waiter, "Me want coffee".

The waiter says, "Sure chief, coming right up". He gets the guy a tall mug of coffee, and the guy drinks it down in one gulp, picks up the bucket of manure, throws it into the air, blasts it with the shotgun, then just walks out.

The next morning the guy returns. He has his shotgun in one hand and a bucket of buffalo manure in the other.

He walks up to the counter and says to the waiter, "Me want coffee". The waiter says "Whoa,Tonto. We're still cleaning up your mess from the last time you were here. What the heck was that all about, anyway?"

The guy smiles and proudly says, "Me in training for upper management. Come in, drink coffee, shoot the shit, and disappear for the rest of the day."

Engineers always specify products which have standard accredited by SIRIM, BS, JIS, ASTM etc. But accountant always procure the cheapest products (not to mention imitations, clones and fakes), available in the market. Engineers will get the biggest headache when these cheap products broke down the next hour after money had been paid. So, do you have the idea now why engineers do not particularly like the stingy accountant? (even worse when an accountant/finance guy is being installed as the CEO of an engineering based company...(pppsssssttt !!... but he is much better than having a politician as CEO !

Someone in technical field wrote this ?
(image credit :
Once upon a time, allegedly, in a nice little forest, there lived an orphaned bunny and an orphaned snake. By surprising coincidence both were blind from birth.

One day, the bunny was hopping through the forest, and the snake was slithering through the forest, when the bunny tripped over the snake and fell down.

This, of course, knocked the snake about quite a bit. "Oh,my," said the bunny, "I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.

I've been blind since birth, so, I can't see where I'm going. In fact, since I'm also an orphan, I don't even know what I am."

"It's quite OK," replied the snake. "Actually, my story is much the same as yours. I, too, have been blind since birth, and also never knew my mother. Tell you what, maybe I could slither all over you, and work out what you are, so at least you'll have that going for you." "Oh, that would be wonderful," replied the bunny.

So the snake slithered all over the bunny, and said, "Well, you're covered with soft fur; you have really long ears; your nose twitches; and you have a soft cottony tail. I'd say that you must be a bunny rabbit." "Oh, thank you! Thank you," cried the bunny in obvious excitement.

The bunny suggested to the snake, "Maybe I could feel you all over with my paw, and help you the same way you've helped me."

(image credit :
So the bunny felt the snake all over, and remarked, "Well, you're scaly and smooth, and you have a forked tongue, no backbone and no balls. I'd say you must be either an accountant, or possibly someone in senior management."

More reasons why things aren't going well and why engineers like to be out in the field rather than in office...

Corporate Quotes
(as per the email forwarded to me - source unknown)
"As of tomorrow, employees will only be able to access the building using individual security cards. Pictures will be taken next Wednesday, and employees will receive their cards in two weeks." 
(This was the winning quote from Fred Dales, Microsoft Corp. In Redmond WA )
"What I need is an exact list of specific unknown problems we might encounter."
(Lykes Lines Shipping)
"E-mail is not to be used to pass on information or data. It should be used only for company business."
(Accounting manager, Electric Boat Company)
"This project is so important we can't let things that are more important interfere with it."
(Advertising/ Marketing manager, United Parcel Service)
"Doing it right is no excuse for not meeting the schedule."
(Plant Manager, Delco Corporation)
"No one will believe you solved this problem in one day! We've been working on it for months. Now go act busy for a few weeks and I'll let you know when it's time to tell them."
(R&D supervisor, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing/ 3M Corp.)
Quote from the boss: "Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say."
(Marketing executive, Citrix Corporation)
My sister passed away and her funeral was scheduled for Monday.
When I told my boss, he said she died on purpose so that I would have to miss work on the busiest day of the year.
He then asked if we could change her burial to Friday.
He said, "That would be better for me."
(Shipping executive, FTD Florists)
"We know that communication is a problem, but the company is not going to discuss it with the employees."
(Switching supervisor, AT&T Long Lines Division)

continued from...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Engineer (1) - Getting to Know One

The compilation regarding "The Engineer" is quite long. I have broken it into series. The next one will be published in due course. The compilation, continued from "Watch and You Will See (Engineer vs Lawyer)", may be of benefit to some, who may want to get to know an engineer, a little bit better, a little bit closer.

The article below was written by my former superior at workplace. A little editing  was done in order not to disclose our former workplace. However, I think, many will be able to guess pretty accurately where the work place was. Here it goes...

Engineers appraisal

People who work in technical field are not like other Joe public. To them, all matters in the universe can be categorised into 2 categories: 
           (image credit : Bulldozer00'sblog)
- things needing fixing
- things needing fixing after they have tinkered and screwed them up
This is to satisfy their insatiable lust for problem creating and solving. Just like computers, which are solutions waiting for problems. 

If things ain't broke, then it doesn't have enuf features yet.

When it comes to dressing, clothes is the lowest priority to an engineer. If the rags they put on comply to weather protection and basic dakwah coverage, then anything more is a waste of money and intelligence. 
(image credit :
Just look at Ir. Flintstone, for example. Because of this non-ISO9000 dressing, engineers are incapable of placing appearance above function and make poor impression on the opposite sex. 

Fortunately engineers are widely recognised as superior marriage material: intelligent, dependable, gajibuta, honest and handy around the house. For these reasons and despite the fact that not many girls want to date engineers, they have intense but silent desire to catch one as a future husband.

But engineers do have their years of attraction if you girls can wait long enough. A study by Johnsons and Masters, supported by archeological records indicate that male engineers can and most often only reach peak sexual drawing power much later than normal Gates, MacGyver and Einstein.

Unfortunately for them, by this time their wives have already left home long time ago and on true physical measurement, the engineer's sexual performance is reduced by 98.32%.

Engineers are always honest, believe me. They will admit without shame and almost with ego that they are 98.32% impotent i.e. accurate to the nearest second decimal point. It's a good precaution to keep them away from customers, particularly girls and people who get insulted by truth.

Nevertheless, engineers are also capable of lying sometimes to avoid work when they have other priorities beyond their technical control, like having to go to the petrol station early in the morning to pump their car tyres to 28.7 psi at ambient temperature of 26.5 Celcius, as the manual recommend.

To avoid work or buy delays, they will give what they regard as intelligent excuses like:
- 'I won't change anything without asking you first.'
- 'I need a new tool to do this job.'
which no fool believes.

When an engineer's hormones drive him to do work and when given an assignment, he will seize it with intense desire and will consider it as the most important job in the world, almost to the exclusion of everything else in the environment.

Watch out. The owner who gives him the assignment will soon realise he is about to lose control over the project. By the time you finished reading this, the owner will already have lost complete control.
(image credit :
Working around solid and safe concrete, steel, copper and titanium, engineers hate risk and failure. He also hates the press. When he makes a small and rare mistake, the media seems to have intense desire to blow it up.

Like 3rd August blackout. When cornered, engineers, driven by hormones again, will spring out their typical intelligent but bull excuses like: 
    (image credit 
- 'it's very complicated to explain'
- 'though technically solvable, It would cost too much'.
Which, again, no fool believes.

Back on the street, how to spot a true engineer? Egowise, he thinks he is smart, yet lookwise he is sloppy-dressed. Jigwise, he displays as many cool devices as can be carried:

(image credit : 
- handset with metal halide battery
- palmtop with backup batteries
- scientific calculator with 100Mb ram
- test pens, mini avometer, IEEE class
- set of Stanley screwdrivers
- Rotring pens and refills
- marker pens, all glowing colors
- Board of Engineers tie
- Redwing safety shoes & kevlar socks
- and other items, not limited to the above, necessary to complete a working engineer.

Looks more like a technical clown.

Engineers like to help others. If in a crowded street a damsel in distress shouts for help on a problem that cannot be solved, an engineer will be the first to jump up and volunteer for rescue. He will immediately declare a battle with the problem and when solved (long after being divorced by longing wife, deserted by the children and possibly the damsel too), he will experience a body rush greater than sex. This is where his remaining 1.68% testorone rises to this rare occasion.

But, as in most cases, should a rickshaw puller passing by gave a hard kick on the blackbox and hey! Presto!…. solve the problem, the engineer will suffer instant mental blackout and great dishonour. He will automatically proceed on a journey towards premature death.

At this point TNGen* (*a division in our company) will come to the rescue and hire him.
~ The end ~ 
(image credit :
Wondering where the rickshaw puller and the damsel disappeared.

--------copyright reserved. Bacaria.  

Here's one from Kerala - Parent were looking for a
suitor. (Her father was an engineer too?)
The red-underlined reads
"software engineers please excuse"

Thursday, March 11, 2010


(Nota - Sumber tulisan ini adalah dari koleksi email lama saya. Koleksi itu bertajuk "Nama-nama Jawa". Ada dua tiga nama yang saya tambah sendiri. Kredit adalah pada pengarang asal yang tidak diketahui siapa)

Bila bagi nama, kita tak ada la seteruk depa ni ....... kan ?

Pandai tanam bunga, diberikan nama Rosman.

Pandai membaiki kereta, dinamakan Karman

Average dalam golf, Parman

Pandai dalam penulisan, Suratman

Gagah perkasa, Suparman

Minat kepada muzik sehingga jadi dealer Walkman, Wakiman

Pandai dan selalu bertanya, Azman (loghat jawa bunyinya Asman)

Pandai buat kuih, Paiman

Pakar jualan, Saliman

Sering bertindak adil ataupun pakar alam sekitar (orang kuat Jabatan Alam Sekitar) - Jasman

Pandai melukis, tulis sajak, nyanyi lagu, Saniman

Menjadi doktor gigi, Sugiman

Minat muzik Rock, Rokiman

Pakar kunci, Lokman

Baik budi pekertinya, Budiman

Buat kerja ala kadar - Kadarisman

Menyusahkan orang - Sukarman 

Mengada-ngada - Ngadiman

Sentiasa sedar akan dirinya  - Sudarman

Sering jatuh sakit waktu kecil-kecil dahulu - Sakiman

Dah ramai anak saudara waktu lahir - Paman

Sentiasa sudi untuk menawarkan diri - Sudiman atau Sudirman

Minat memandu kereta - Supirman
ini dah jadi nasi tambah kut ...

Dua alam - Herman

Paling Haprak - Koman

Kalau yang kuat berlawan - Utraman

Pandai main daun terup poker - Pokeman

Pandai buat skim cepat kaya, Pakman (Te’ Lo)

Yang satu-satunya dan tidak selalu demam - Deman (Leman kata orang Perancis)

Raja penyakit - Kuman

Cepat naik pangkat, Yasman

Berdarah Bengali - Manbai (nasib la kau Man.. !)

Kaki pukul dan kaki dera orang, Deraman (gedebe nih !)

Yang ini pulak... ??!
Sepitman ?

sepupu kepada
Pasman ?

Monday, March 01, 2010

The Secret

Pssssstt!!! PSSSSSSTTTTT...!!!
Hey you ! Yeah YOU !
Wanna hear a secret? (or rather,
wanna read a secret ?)
come nearer please....! nearer....

The secret will be revealed when you drag your mouse, highlighting the white box below...

 Start HERE-> 
(to highlight - left click and hold your mouse button, drag it to the bottom of the box)



<- End HERE


"I followed my own path of love,
and now I am in bad repute.
How can a secret remain veiled,
if from every tongue it drips?"
(Hafiz Al Shirazi)

( سورة التوبة , At-Taubah, Chapter #9, Verse #128)
"In Silence"

A guide has entered this life in silence.
His message is only heard in silence.

Take a sip of his precious wine
and lose yourself.
Dont insult the greatness of his love,
for he helps all those who suffer, in silence.

Polish the mirror between the breaths.
Go with him beyond words.
He knows your every deed.
He is the one who moves the wheel of heaven,
in silence.

Every thought is buried in your heart;
He will reveal them one by one, in silence.

Turn each of your thoughts into a bird
and let them fly to the other world.
One is an owl, one is a falcon, one is a crow.
Each one is different from the others
but they are all the same in silence.

To see the Moon that cannot be seen
turn your eyes inward and look at yourself,
in silence.

In this world and the next,
dont talk about this and that;
Let him show you everything,
shining as one . . .
in silence.

(Ode 1897-Version by Jonathan Star, "Rumi - In the Arms of the Beloved",
Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, New York 1997)